Press Release

Banor is proud sponsor of FILL 2023, the Festival of Italian Literature in London. After a gap of two years, the event is back with a new ambitious and powerful programme. (more…)

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The Banor SICAV Mistral Long Short Equity Class I fund placed in the top three in the Long/short Equity – Europe ranking in 2022. (more&hell...

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Banor Capital has renamed the Banor SICAV North America Long Short Equity Fund. (more…)

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In response to the pandemic, the creators of FILL (Festival of Italian Literature in London) have started their first English audio production (more…)

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Link Group and Banor Capital jointly announce the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of Casa4Funds by Link Group from Banor Capital. (more…)

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Banor Capital is pleased to announce the launch of ARISTEA SICAV FIM GEM Debt, a UCITS fund dedicated to global emerging markets debt. (more…)

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