1. PRESS


The operation sponsored by Banor Alternative Assets (with its Banor Special Situations II sub-fund) and by Varallo RE on the acquisition of a large area located in San Siro, Milan, for the construction of a residential complex. (more…)

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According to Morningstar data as of 15.05.2023, Banor SICAV European Dividend Plus ranks 9th among the top 20 European equity funds in the Asset Class's ranking. This ranking is based on a total of 375 funds considered. (more…)

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An interview to Gianmarco Rania, Portfolio Manager of the Banor SICAV European Dividend Plus fund, has been published on Investire. (more…)

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The Milano Finanza survey on managers' expectations for the second half of 2023 includes mention of Banor among the participating companies at the end of the article. (more…)

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Gianmarco Rania, Portfolio Manager of the Banor SICAV European Dividend Plus fund, commented on the importance of the bond component within a portfolio. The article was published by FundsPeople. (more…)

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Francesco Castelli, Head of Credit Strategy and Fund Manager at Banor, was a guest of Advisor at the Salone del Risparmio 2023. (more…)

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Francesco Castelli, Head of Credit Strategy and Fund Manager at Banor, was a guest of "TGR Piazza Affari" broadcasted on Rai3 and commented on the stock indices linked to the BRICS. (more…)

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The Banor SICAV European Dividend Plus fund was included in the "TOP 20 European Equities" ranking published on Asset Class (Source: Morningstar, data as of 04/15/2023). (more…)

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Gianmarco Rania, Portfolio Manager of the Banor SICAV European Dividend Plus fund, was interviewed on the European stock market in Tuttosoldi by (more…)

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Francesco Castelli, Head of Credit Strategy and Fund Manager at Banor, was a guest on Dealflower during the Salone del Risparmio 2023. (more…)

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